About Me

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Just Chonda-Belle who loves her family, cake decorating, floral arrangements, coupon clipping, being an EMT, office manager, dieter (lifetime), daughter, an awesome Aunt (if I do say so myself)... Follow me along in my blessed, blissful life...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Time Flies!!

My My how time flies.... seems like I just posted the anchor cake and that was 2 cakes ago!!  Here's my lastest creations

Tyler & Landon's Graduation cake..
a my little pony cake for a sweet little girl...

Life has been super busy the last couple of weeks and will continue to be that way till at least Sunday night (will post about that later)... Enjoy your weekend!!

Congrats to Ha & Ryan on their upcoming wedding (tomorrow is the big day)!!
no ChondaBelle did not do the cakes my nerves couldn't handle that